First of all, thank you all for your amazing responses to my History of Trees shawl! That really warms my heart <3 I have seen a lot of new members in my Facebook CAL group, so welcome everyone!
Voordat ik begin wil ik iedereen bedanken voor hun geweldige reacties op mijn History of Trees shawl! Daar word ik helemaal warm van <3 Ik zie ook heel veel nieuwe leden in mijn Facebook CAL groep, dus welkom iedereen!
Because I know not everyone likes green, or maybe just wants to pick another color, I have made some other lovely color combo’s, using Scheepjes Stone Washed and River Washed*. And I have to admit it, I also just love to play with yarn.
Omdat ik weet dat niet iedereen van groen houdt, of liever toch nog een andere kleur wil, heb ik wat andere leuke kleurencombinaties gemaakt met Scheepjes Stone Washed en River Washed*. En ik moet het toegeven, ik vind het ook gewoon leuk met garen te spelen.
Color combo’s / Kleuren combinaties
The original shawl uses the following / De originele shawl gebruikt het volgende:
Scheepjes Stone Washed* (Regular, not XL), 130m/50g:
- 5 x Color A: 825, Malachite (243g/632m used)
- 4 x Color B: 819, New Jade (169g/440m used)
Down below I have made more combo’s. The ball on the left represents color A and on the right is color B.
Caro’s Atelier* heeft een garenpakket beschikbaar voor deze CAL (alleen met de originele kleuren). Hieronder heb ik meer combo’s gemaakt. De bol links is kleur A en de bol rechts is kleur B.
If you like it even more green, the new Scheepjes River Washed shades will do the trick!
Als je het nog groener wilt, dan zijn de nieuwe Scheepjes River Washed kleuren waarschijnlijk wat je zoekt!
But you can also go in the opposite direction and choose deep purple for your shawl <3
Maar je kan ook het tegenovergestelde kiezen en een diepe paars nemen voor je shawl <3
And if you want a warmer shade of purple, the new River Washed purple is super gorgeous!
En als je liever een warmere kleur paars wilt, dan is de nieuwe paars van de River Washed erg mooi!
Super on trend right now: And it was all yellow…
Super trendy op dit moment; En alles was geel…
Maybe retro orange is more your thing.
Misschien is retro oranje meer jouw ding.
Or do you feel luxurious in red?
Of voel je je chique in rood?
Maybe hot pink gets you ticking!
Misschien doet zuurstokroze het wel voor jou!
Or are you feeling more like blue today?
Of voel je je meer blauw vandaag?
I could go on and on and make a lot more color combinations! You can use any of these combinations, or make your own : ) If you don’t have a Scheepjes retailer nearby, please consider buying your Scheepjes yarn via one of the links below. It will give me a small commission, but it won’t cost you anything extra.
Ik kan dagen doorgaan en nog veel meer combinaties maken! Je kunt deze combinaties gebruiken, of natuurlijk je eigen kleuren samenstellen : ) Als je geen Scheepjes verkooppunt dichtbij hebt, overweeg dan je Scheepjes garen via onderstaande link te kopen. Hiervoor krijg ik een kleine commissie, terwijl het jou niks extra’s kost.
UK/International: Wool Warehouse , The Knitting Network or Black Sheep Wools
Benelux: Caro’s Atellier
List of all / Lijst van alle Scheepjes retailers: Scheepjes website
If you don’t want to miss any of my posts, please follow me on Facebook, Instagram (@aspoonfulofyarn) or subscribe via email at the bottom of this page.
Als je geen enkele post wilt missen, volg me dan op Facebook, via Instagram (@aspoonfulofyarn), of schrijf je in via email aan de onderkant van deze pagina.
*Affiliate disclaimer
This post contains affiliate links. When you click this link and purchase something, I will get a small commission, but it will not cost you extra money. This way you can support my blog and I can keep making free patterns.
Deze post bevat affiliate links. Als je op deze link klikt en iets koopt, krijg ik een kleine commissie. Op deze manier kan je mijn blog steunen, terwijl het jouw niks extra’s kost. Hierdoor kan ik doorgaan met het maken van gratis patronen.
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So looking forward to this journey. Anne-Marie
I do too 😀
How would you rate this pattern? I am a Beginner+ and would LOVE to make it along with everyone else. How exciting!
Also, when purchasing the color packs from Deramore’s, if I ordered ONE quantity of my color choice will it provide all the yarn I need? Thankyou!
Hi Lisa! The pattern is intermediate level due to the front post trebles and double trebles. The pattern provides links to videos (not my own) on how to do that, as well as some photos and charts. However, I think it’s wise to look up those stitches and practice them, so you can see beforehand if it’s not too difficult for you. Of course I (and others in the CAL group) can help you. But it doesn’t hurt to check 🙂 And yes, ordering one pack will get you all the yarn needed for the shawl 🙂
Thank you. Just bought the yarn from the UK should arrive in 2 weeks here to the US. The pattern is in your Etsy Shop-is the pattern available on August 13th when the CAL begins, or can I purchase now to practice some of the more advanced stitches?
The first part is available from the 13th, but you can google fptr and fpdtr and get a little practice run on a swatch perhaps.
Hi Christina,
What a lovely pattern! I am thinking of making it in River Washed colours Po and Seine – Spring and Autumn. Do you think these two colours will work?
Thank you 🙂 I can check it for you, since I have both colors in my stash and send you a picture tomorrow when I have daylight again, if you like? At a first glance on screen it could work, because the seine has a green/yellow hue, but I’m not a real fan of red, so I might be the wrong person to ask, hehe. I do know all new river washed colors work together, because the undertone threads are all the same 🙂
Hi Christina
My daughter in law would prefer I crochet the History of Trees in a small afghan form. How much more yarn of colour A would I need? Also is the pattern easily adaptable?
Hi Donna. You could take the stitch count at the end of part 1 of the CAL as your starting count and then don’t do the increases for part 2 and 3. I think you would then need to double the amount of color A.
Thanks Christina! So what would be the approx dimensions?
Hi Donna. I’m sorry, I don’t know. I also don’t have the sample with me right now, so I can’t measure for you either. But I think it will be wrap width. Blanket width would be double that I guess.
No worries! Now the adventure begins ?
This shawl is awesome and these color combos are gorgeous. If I weren’t fond of green, it would have been hard to choose !