Tag: free pattern
Free pattern: ‘Two sides to the story’ shawl
After a little bit of work and effort, the pattern of my ‘Two sides to the story shawl’ is now also available in PDF -format. The
Off the needles: ‘Two sides to the story’ shawl
Remember this post? A lot of you guessed correctly, I was indeed working on a shawl 🙂 I made this shawl as a way to test the yarn from the Indie
confetti yarn and busy times
Hi there! I’d like to start off by saying that I’m totally blown away by all the responses on Wink’s mandalas blanket. It gave
Pattern & recap:Wink’s Mandalas Blanket
The blanket is done. Well, it is so much more for me than just a blanket. In it are all these little stories, told by round upon round of color.
full of sneak-peeks
Hi there! It has been 2 months since I last posted something, wow! I’ve been very busy with two exams. One I ended up cancelling, because I
FPM week 2: humidifier cozy ‘field of flowers’
Voor de Nederlandse versie klik hier. In the first week I showed you the pattern for the humidifier cozy ‘circles of joy’. Well,
FPM week 1: Humidifier Cozy ‘circles of joy’
Voor de Nederlandse versie klik hier Lets get busy with the Free Pattern Month! This week it’s the humidifier cozy ‘circles of
Announcement: Free Pattern Month + Giveaway
This week is my superstar feature on cut out and keep. And because I want to celebrate the new patterns I made for this feature, I’m going