Remember in this post, I said I had some exciting news? Well Today I want to share it with the world:)

A few weeks ago I had an email from Cat, the owner of the website Cut Out and Keep. Every week they have new special guests that are featured as ‘superstars’ with their patterns. Every day for seven days there is another pattern or tutorial that is released. There are several different categories, like ‘cooking’, ‘diy’ or ‘knit and crochet’. Well, in this email Cat wrote that she wants me to be featured as one of the ‘knit and crochet’ superstars! Of course I replied instantly that I would love it, but I only have three patterns at the moment.

Now here is the good news for you guys, because for this special feature I made, not one, not two, but three (!) new patterns! These patterns will be released in the week from the 5th of may to the 11th. And of course after the pattern release these will also be available on the blog!

Here are some sneak peeks 😉

You can’t tell yet what it is, but you will find out soon enough;) Only a week to go ^^ Let the ‘free pattern rain’ commence!

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