After a few weeks of hard studying and exams, I’m back in the land of the living 🙂 Phew!
Over the Christmas holidays I’ve been working on a granny square table runner and finished it before the start of term. I was so busy with school work I didn’t even have the time to show it off to you! If you saw my end of year post, you’ve already looked at a sneak peek of the table runner. Well, here it is in its full glory.
I used drops paris yarn I had left over from my winks mandalas blanket
For the pattern of the granny squares I made my own pattern
One solid circle-to-square granny, and one ‘windmill’ circle-to-square granny. If you make a table runner yourself you can mix and match the two or just pick one or the other 🙂
I forgot how much fun it was to crochet granny squares! Just picking out colors and go 🙂 I really love how it turned out and as an added bonus I’ve successfully put a hole in my drops paris stash =D More room for new yarn, am I right girls 😉
I even let my little sister and my fiancé pick out colors for one granny square. The top far left is the one my fiancé chose and the middle bottom was picked out by my little sister
Of course I couldn’t help myself and decided it was time for a new free pattern 🙂 I’ve made a full photo-tutorial complete with step-by-step instructions for the granny squares, the joining and the border! As you can guess there’s a lot of photo editing involved so I hope I can make it available for you in the coming week!
How do you like your granny squares? Solid or with more space?
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