Are you having fun with Free Pattern Month? I certainly do!
Sometimes you look into your closet and find yourself with nothing to wear. (I know we’ve all been there, don’t lie.) So I knew it was time to buy new clothes. With the prices of shirts and tops these days, if you want something nice anyway, I am very picky in what I buy. The thought of buying new shirts briefly crossed my mind before welcoming a whole different thought; making my own! Because, why the hell not? I’m, as you might know, taking a tailoring course, and I thought to myself ‘why can’t I just make my own? I know I can do it, no excuses here.’ Thus, friday came. The day that our town city holds a market each week. It was pouring and windy, so the market people were already packing up as I arrived. I didn’t mind, since it usually is super busy. It wasn’t for long that I found two lovely fabrics. One of them a beautiful flowy flower chiffon. I didn’t know what to make of it, but I sure loved it, so in the bag it went! (after paying of course)
I began browsing my pattern magazines only to realize, that besides sewing, I also know how to draw my own patterns! And that’s exactly what I did 🙂
In my head I had the cutest little top you could imagine. Very feminine with a soft collar and lace and flowers. I knew I had some lace in my ‘lace and ribbons box’. This is where the ‘ikea’ lace comes in. I had some left over from the lace curtains I bought for my craft room (people who’ve been to ikea know what I’m talking about). Of course it’s not for wearing purposes so it was pretty scratchy. I quickly figured a bottom of cotton should do the trick!
It fits like a dream, and goes very well with a cardigan I made a while back. It was the second thing I’ve ever knitted and consists of double seed stitch all the way! I never showed it online, so I thought, now was my chance 🙂
Here is the back. I really love the texture and know for sure I would do it again if I have to!
Recognize the curtain now?
I put a small strip of the chiffon over the collar, so I was certain that the lace wouldn’t scratch my neck. It doesn’t 😉
Often I hear people say that you are your worst critic, and that’s absolutely true! Every time I make something, there is usually one or more things I don’t like. (drives my boyfriend crazy) Despite some things I would change in the pattern for next time, I am totally in love with this one! It fits me perfectly and makes for a very summery girlish look. Yes, this will be my new favorite!
Have you ever made something you still love after time?
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