There has been something I’ve wanted to tell you for a very long time, but the best things always come slowly in my experience. Almost eight years ago I picked up a crochet hook for the first time. One of the first things I made was a little bag made out of that t-shirt yarn that was so popular back then. Like most people that try to make something in the beginning, it didn’t look at all like the picture. It did not occur to me then that crochet would become such a huge part of my life and that I even got to a point where I would design my own patterns. Who would have thought that anyone was interested in something I made?
Er is iets wat ik je al heel lang wilde vertellen, maar de beste dingen komen altijd langzaam is mijn ervaring. Het is bijna acht jaar geleden dat ik voor het eerst een haaknaald aanraakte. Een van de eerste dingen die ik maakte was een kleine tas van T-shirt garen wat toen zo populair was. Zoals de meeste mensen die net beginnen leek het niet echt op de afbeelding. Het is toen niet in me opgekomen dat haken zo’n groot deel van mijn leven uit zou maken en dat ik zelfs mijn eigen patronen zou ontwerpen. Wie had gedacht dat mensen geïnteresseerd zouden zijn in iets wat ik heb gemaakt?
Well, here we are. Almost eight years later and I am proud to say that I am now a Scheepjes Blogger 😀 And what better way to write the announcement in their super sweet ‘Catona Cutie Pies’! I used all 109 shades. Go ahead and check 😉
Scheepjeswol is the amazing producer of wonderful yarns, including that gorgeous Stone Washed yarn that I used for the Hotel of Bees shawl and the Shell Collector wrap and which I absolutely love! They have asked me to join their group of fantastic bloggers. Among them are talents like, but not limited to, Kirsten from Haak Maar Raak (She designed the beautiful Hygge wrap for the 2017 CAL), Dedri from Look at what I made (known for her Sophies Universe blanket), Rachele from Cypress Textiles (she makes amazing blankets and is a true colorist in my opinion) and the freshly joined Matt from A Boy and Bunting! You can find all Scheepjes Bloggers here! They have all welcomed me in the most warmly manner and I already feel at home with this talented group. Who would have thought that I would ever be part of something amazing like this? I feel truly humbled.
Nou hier zijn we dan. Bijna acht jaar later en ik ben trots te melden dat ik nu een Scheepjes Blogger ben 😀 En hoe kon ik ook anders dan de aankondiging te schrijven in hun super schattige ‘Catona Cutie Pies’! Ik heb alle 109 kleuren gebruikt. Ga je gang en check het 😉
Scheepjeswol is de geweldige producent van mooie garens, waaronder het prachtige Stone Washed garen wat ik heb gebruikt voor de Hotel of Bees shawl en de Shell Collector wrap en waar ik helemaal verliefd op ben! Ze hebben me gevraagd om bij hun groep van fantastische bloggers te komen. Onder hen zijn talenten zoals, maar niet gelimiteerd tot, Kirsten van Haak Maar Raak (Zij heeft de mooie Hygge wrap voor de 2017 CAL ontworpen), Dedri van Look at what I made (bekend van haar Sophies Universe deken), Rachele van Cypress Textiles (ze maakt de mooiste dekens en is een echte ‘colorist’ in mijn ogen) en de net aangesloten Matt van A Boy and Bunting! Je kunt alle Scheepjes Bloggers hier vinden! Ze hebben me allemaal met open armen ontvangen en ik voel me dan ook al echt thuis in deze gezellige groep. Wie had gedacht dat ik ooit van zoiets speciaals deel uit zou mogen maken? Ik voel me echt gezegend.
To celebrate this I am hosting a giveaway! Scheepjes has been so generous to sponsor a Stone Washed yarn pack to make the Shell Collector wrap! Isn’t that amazing?! I will also put in my own contribution to this giveaway of course. Next to offering you the pattern for free, I will also send you a copy of the book that inspired the wrap, so you can immerse yourself in the story while crocheting the wrap!
Om dit te vieren houd ik een giveaway! Scheepjes is zo vrijgevig geweest om een Stone Washed garenpakket te sponsoren om de Shell Collector wrap te maken! Is dat niet helemaal geweldig?! Zelf doe ik natuurlijk ook een duit in het zakje. Naast dat ik je het patroon aanbied, zal ik je ook het boek toesturen waarop de wrap is geïnspireerd, zodat je helemaal kunt opgaan in het verhaal terwijl je de wrap haakt!
Now what do you need to do to participate? There are various ways to enter, but the more methods you use, the higher your chances are of winning!
- Follow my blog via email (see subscription box below) and comment below that you have followed via email
- If Instagram is more your thing, you can follow me there and comment below that you have followed the Instagram account and stating your own Instagram account name
- I also have a Facebook page, so if you like that more, comment below that you have followed the Facebook page and stating your facebook account name
If you are using more than one method, please put each method in a separate comment. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on the 13th of February 🙂
En wat moet je dan doen om mee te doen? Er zijn meerdere manieren om dat te doen, maar elke manier geeft je 1 kans. Als je meerdere manieren gebruikt, zijn je kansen dus ook groter!
- Volg mijn blog via email (zie invulveld aan de onderkant van de pagina ‘subscribe to blog via email’) en laat een reactie achter dat je hebt gevolgd via email
- Als Instagram meer je ding is, laat dan een reactie achter dat je hebt gevolgd via Instagram, tezamen met je Instagram account naam
- Ik heb ook een Facebook pagina, dus als je dat leuker vindt, laat dan een reactie achter dat je hebt gevolgd via Facebook, tezamen met je Facebook account naam
Als je meer dan 1 manier gebruikt, zet elke manier dan in een aparte reactie. De winnaar wordt willekeurig gekozen en op 13 februari bekend gemaakt 🙂
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Great news! Well done. ?
Following blog via email
I have followed you on Instagram. I am ‘ynyswen’ on instagram
Followed your blog! ?
Congratulations on being a Scheepjes blogger! As soon as I saw you had an announcement I had a feeling that’s what it would be. ?
And I follow your Facebook page – Elizabeth Carmody
I also follow your Instagram – I am @earlgreycrochet
I follow you on Instagram as crochetcircles. Many congratulations on becoming a blogger for Scheepjes.
Yay, now I’ve followed you everywhere I can 🙂 well done on being an amazing crochet designer…I’m currently dreaming of the colours for my second Hotel of Bees shawl…I love your work and would obviously be over the moon with joy if I won your competition!! wow!! anyway… do I need to give you my email addy here to enter? if so it’s sineadturnham@gmail.com x
Congratulations on becoming a Scheepjes blogger. Such beautiful yarn. I followed you via email and on Facebook and Instagram. Lovely pattern and fabulous giveaway. I am janpj29 on instagram.
following by email
I follow your blog by email – I’ve been following via RSS for ages! Congratulations on becoming an official Scheepjes blogger! I couldn’t be happier for you ?
I also follow you on Instagram (and have done for ages) – my username is 78thstitch
Wat een leuk nieuws, proficiat! Ik volg je nu via email.
I also liked your page on FB eons ago – my username is stitch78th. I absolutely adore your designs, btw! ???
Hi! Congrats! That’s amazing news! I follow you on Instagram, @crochetkae
En ik volg je ook al een tijdje via Facebook via Sandra Jansen. Het garen voor je Spotting Clouds Top heb ik al in in huis. Ga zo door met ontwerpen! X
I’ve just started following you via email! I’ve made your hotel of Bees and would love to do make the shell collector.
I got and read the book All the Light we Cannot See because of your blog and loved it. Congrats and can’t wait to see what you come up with next!
Well done, Christina! What an exciting time for you and well deserved! Your patterns are unique and lovely and each one seems to have a magical little something special hooked into them. It’s only right that a light is shone on your special talents. xxx
Great blog! Am following you on Instagram as @deliadiertjie ?????
Superleuk, gefeliciteerd!
Ik doe graag mee met deze supertoffe give away 🙂
Congratulations! I follow on Instagram. ekclaybrook
Congratulations! I follow on via email.
I’ve followed your Fb page, and signed up to your blog! Mary Kizilis
Haken is mijn stress verdrijver,als ik haak en dus zit te tellen kan ik aan niets anders denken..echt top actie trouwens!
Congratulations! Followed via email
Congratulations!!! Thanks for the chance to win. Followed you on Instagram. My name is mom2n2i
Followed via email!
@keeshycrochets Followed via instagram
Liked your Facebook page!
leuk, ik ben erg benieuwd naar jouw input bij de mooie patronen die Scheepjes altijd uitbrengt! En ik volg je met de mail.
I follow your blog via email. So happy to discover a new Scheepjes blogger!
Followed on instagram- kathrynjannejackson
Followed on Facebook: Lorelei Norman, subscribed to the blog
Joined mailing list! kathrynjackson@telkomsa.net
I follow your instagram account. I am @muffinouche
Liked on Facebook- Kathryn Jackson
YAY!!! Congratulations I’m so pleased for you!!! Already following on Instagram – JustALilBitCrafty ?
Ik volg je ook op instagram. Top actie!
En wat een mooie give away, ik waag graag twee kansjes ?
Ik volg je vanaf nu via email.
Just followed by email ?
Veel succes en welkom, gevolgd via Instagram?
And follow on Facebook – Lily Maverick Wallis ?
En ik volg je ook via fb ?
I follow you on Facebook! Natasha Wells
Congratulations! I have been a Facebook follower of your for a while now!
I am now following you on Instagram!
I follow you on insta, Facebook and your blog
Now I follow you on Instagram too!
All signed up for email subscription.
Following on Facebook as Nikki Shaw
Congrats! Looking forward to all your contributions to the Scheepjes family.
I follow you via email.
Congrats! Looking forward to all your contributions to the Scheepjes family.
I follow you via Instagram – marianamuller585
Hi and glad to meet you. following by email xxx
I Love your Blog. So of course I Subscribe 🙂
Well done! Scheepjes bloggers are the best! Love the yarn and the pattern!
Congratulation! Very excited for you. I just follow you on Instagram.
Followed on instagram ? @feehendo11
Following! I love your patterns
Hoi! Mooi inspirerend verhaal ?? en gefeliciteerd dat je het zo ver geschopt hebt. Zelf zit ik nu in de fase wat jij 8 jaar geleden in zat… haaknaald opgepakt en het lijkt niet op de plaatjes ik volg je nu via Instagram (kriekie89)
Congratulations I follow you via Instagram I’m flossymaycrochet o er there
Just submitted for email subscription. Totally inspired by your designs!
Also love your Instagram!
follov via email
Following on the blog via email. Hope the Scheepjies blogging goes well.
Following in Facebook too. My FB name is Janet Donaldson. Looking forward to following you blog and working on your designs. Thank you.
Fantastic news and congratulations ???? Following by email and Instagram (@sweetycountry24)
Congrats! You deserve it, your stuff is amazing. I follow you on Instagram (I am jennamcook)…
Ik volg via mail, Instagram en FB?
Marie Helene op FB
…and liked you on Facebook (I am Jenna Marie). Best of luck in your new endeavor!
I’ve been following on Facebook, have now followed you Instagram, I’m robbidob, and now by email!
WAUW!! Fantastisch nieuws!! Leuke club om erbij te horen!! Gefeliciteerd!! Ik heb mezelf aangemeld, met m’n e-mailadres, voor je blog!
Veel plezier!! ?
Following on Facebook! Glad to see you among the other awesome Scheepjes bloggers.
Also following via e-mail.
Congratulations, you so deserve your place. I love Scheepjes yarn and designs. I’ve used Spotting clouds to make a gorgeous dress.
Email please
Actually so excited for you and can’t wait to see what’s to come in the future!!
Following on Instagram as HayRie
Also following in the FB group (which I love seeing everyone’s makes!) as Hayley Taylor
Congrats!! I following with email.. Thank you
I also follow your instagram.. drgnfli35
I love the colors in the wrap, would love to make this.. follow you on facebook also.. Laura Krutz Brletich
Hey, we volgen je via Facebook/e mail en Instagram! We zijn gek op de zee en alles er om heen!
we wensen je veel plezier bij de bloggers! En ..ps…Stonewashed is mijn favoriete garen 😉
Wat leuk! Gefeliciteerd.
ik volg je blog via e-mail.
En ik volg je via Instagram
Mijn account is @made_by_annette
Congrats! That’s exciting!
Following blog by email
Congratulations! I’m sure you’ll have a blast!
I follow on Instagram (@gingerfullycozy)
I follow you on Facebook, as Ginny Brennan. Congratulations!
I am email subscribed and already follow you on Instagram and Facebook, Christina. Congratulations on being asked to join the Tribe! A well deserved appointment x
I’ve made a few of your designs but am just now following your blog! How bad is that?! LOL Congratulations on your newest endeavor! What fun!
Huge congratulations!! A follower on Instagram @offthehookforyou
Congratulations to joining the Scheepjes tribe 🙂 Im following you on facebook ( Blanka Končírová )
Ik zou me wel een beetje geintimideerd voelen als newbie bij al die haakgrootheden! ^^ Fijn dat je zo leuk bent ontvangen! Veel succes! Von.
(volgt via email en fb)
I’m now following you by email and insta. I love your patterns!
Volg via email
Volg via Instagram
Volg via Facebook
Congrats! I’ve been following your FB-page since some time back. My user name is Mira Bäck 🙂
I follow via email
I follow your beautiful work on Instagram also. My user name is mirabeata.
Gefeliciteerd! Ik volg je op instagram
I also follow via Instagram. Thanks for the opportunity to win! My Instagram is @thegirllovesyarn
I follow you on facebook&instagram and via Scheepjeswol on facebook came over here on your blog to read you are with the team from Scheepjes: congratulations with that.
I just love scheepjes yarn and specially the stonewashed, love to make your wrap so i give it a try.
Loving greets from Arja in the Netherlands xx
Awesome, made up for you! I follow on Instagram: sophiexuan
I also follow on Facebook! Sophie Hurden
Proficiat! Ik volg je via instagram
Ik wil je ook volgen via email en kans maken op een pakket
gefeliciteerd !!! Ik volg je ook via de mail.
Following via email ?
Following you by email!
Congrats! I follow by email!
I follow by facebook
Well done you, and on instagram I am ginswiggingyarny
Following via email.
Following via Instagram. Instagram name bailey0813.
Following Facebook page. Tabitha Bailey
Well done on becoming part of the Scheepjes Blogging team – it is well deserved. I follow you via email (RSS) and have done for a while xxx
Well done on becoming part of the Scheepjes Blogging team – it is well deserved. I now follow you via facebook (Trish Tebbutt)
follwing by email! 🙂
Ik doe graag mee! (maar ik volg je blog via bloglovin’ en dat staat niet mee in het lijstje 😉 Pech voor mij )
following by instagram (piamagkuchen)
Following your blog, so pleased you have joined Scheepjes. Those colours are my favourites & the shawl is absolutely necessary(I live in Cornwall), looking forward to this
Following by email & Facebook.
Congratulations! I follow via Instagram. Your Hotel of Bees shawl is gorgeous.
Wat leuk. Gefeliciteerd dat je in het Scheepjesteam bent opgenomen. Heerlijk zoveel creativiteit in en om je heen. Geniet ervan??
I subscribed to your email.
Congratulations! I’m following on Instagram as iartsarah. Thanks!
Congratulations! I follow via email.
Following by email! ?
Following on Instagram @sgrehome
Following your FB page. Love your designs!
Signed up for email.
Following on Facebook.
Wow! This is a superb giveaway! Congratulations on becoming a Scheepjes blogger! Scheepjes yarn is my fave yarn right now and I have several WIPs using different Scheepjes yarn, Spirit, Stonewashed, Softfun and Catona. I am following you by email and already follow you in IG. All of the very best @ mommaboxoxo
Following instagram. The shell collector is one of my favorites and on my (long) list of projects.
And to round it off, subscribed to your blog.
I love your work!
On instagram @hayleyjwagner
On Facebook:
I have followed you on FB x
And I am now subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂
Now followed on instagram @threadsnshreds
Ik volg je nu per email.
What inspiration! Thank you. I have just subscribed to your post and will follow you on IG too. I am DachshundsandDaisies and new to crochet but it has already began taking over everything and I love it! I found myself here, looking for more info after watching #littledropsofwonderful. Ali is wearing her picking flowers sweater on her most recent podcast and it is adorable. I also love the hotel of Bees shawl and hope to make this when my skills are abit better! Thank you ?
Love this giveaway thanks, following you on Instagram @crochetandsmile
Following via email
Following you via email to x
Following via Facebook!
Subscribed by email!
I subscribe as marta.kacperczyk@gmail.com
I follow on IG as foczix
I liked on Facebook as Martha Ida
Ik volg je via email
Congrats! I am super happy for you. It’s going to be awesome. I follow you on IG and live your work. Also going to subscribe via e-mail. My username on IG is @besterelrika. Good luck for this year.
congrats! hope to win this givaway ?
I just subscribed to your blog via email. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I also follow you on facebook. Facebook name: Rebekah Berry
Thanks for the opportunity.
Following on Facebook.
FB name: Bev Templeton
I just hit submit to get your mail! Congrats on the blogger part. I really think you are ready for it. You make such nice things <3
And I follow you through FB for quite some time now 😉 so I am in all the way for the give away. Thanks again 😀
Followed on Instagram and via Email just to make sure I don’t miss anything 🙂 . @sarahmilne__ x Congratulations again x
Congratulations! I have subscribed to follow via email.
Hiya! Congeatulations! I followed you on instagram, where my name is ‘jordi.pas’
Have a great evening!
And i follwed you in facenook as well, where my name is: ‘Jordi Pas’
Enjoy your evening!
Already following you on Instagram as @tootsytheowl
I am following u on email too as
nathaliebaharian@gmail.com on ur blog.
Congratulations!! Followed via email ?
I’ve subscribed via email ?
And I’ve followed on instagram- rach0606
I am following your blog via email and Facebook, look forward to reading more and good luck to everyone in the giveaway x
Following on facebook. Jennifer Ashbridge
Following on Instagram – jennifermalin24
I am following you via email
Following on email.
Wat leuk dat je voor Scheepjes gaat bloggen! Natuurlijk ga ik al je blogs volgen!
Hi, I follow you via Facebook and email. I am so happy for you that you are now an official Scheepes blogger. Congratulations and best wishes. Sue
I’m also following you on Instagram. My name on there is KatClif1
Hi !
I subscribed to your blog !
Can’t wait to get mine started ♡
And I follow you on IG.
I’m hollyvandenhof
And I’ve liked and follow your Facebook page!♡
Facebook name Holly van den Hof
Congratulations! How generous of you: I have followed you on Facebook (Dee Tippett)
subscribe to email blog abower 1@sky.com
I follow you by E-Mail!
Nice new design! Congrats for belonging to the Scheepjes Blogger Group!
follow via facebook
facebook name Ann Bower
Congratulations!! I can finally activates the subscription. I have subscribe to your blog via email .
Congratulations! I have follow you on Instagram. I am shayne_pappy
Hi welcome !
Am following on fb, insta and subscribed to your blog ? looking forward to reading your blogs and seeing your designs x
Congratulations! I am following you on your Facebook page. xx
I do also follow you via Instagram!
Following per email
Liked on Facebook. Sarah Schroetter
Followed by email. Looks amazing!
Congratulations on joining the Scheepjes team! I am following via email
Gefeliciteerd!! ? Ik volg je via Insta! Mijn accountnaam is: jackybrowny
Ohh ? I follow you on insta @my_name_is_thaisa
Followed on Insta @wyldearth. 🙂
Congrats I follow you via email
Congratulations I follow you on instagram my user name is jacksonmichele2017
vergeten te melden dat ik je vanaf nu volg
Congratulations I follow you on Facebook
I follow you via Instagram and my name there is @loquiltus.
Congratulations! It is well deserved!
I follow you on instagram.
This is great news! Love Scheepjes, love your designs, a perfect match.
I followed the blog by email.
I just subscribed to your emails. I have your Hotel of bees patten, just need to find time do make it for me!
I also follow you on Instagram as charlieleth
Gefeliciteerd en Suc6.
Email subscription! I love my hotel of bees shall!
Following on Facebook too, julie.keith.12
Congrats! Great giveaway! Well deserved and will follow everything!!
Following you on instagram: @croisealaim 🙂
Gefeliciteerd! Leuk! Ik ga je volgen op facebook :-).
Following you now on Instagram. I’m fee178
Following by email, love your patterns
Hi! I’ve followed your blog by email. Your designs are lovely!
I’ve followed you on Instagram. I’m rosequilts1.
I have subscribed to your blog xx
I followed you on Facebook. I’m Roseann Elizabeth there. Thanks for the giveaway!
Following you on Instagram my name is rkyexley x
Congratulations – Scheepjes is the best yarn i’ve ever crochetted with. And they make such inspirering colours. I am looking forward to following your blog.
Following on Facebook. My name is Rachel Yexley xx
Following on Instagram anaretaishtar
I just subscribed to your blog via email.
Following on Instagram IG name is bettybuchs
Following on FB account name: Betty Buchsdrucker
How exciting, huge congratulations and enjoy your journey. I’m fairly new to crochet and feel so lucky to have talented designers like you to help me create so many beautiful things. Thank you. Following here, on Instagram and FB 🙂
I have been following you on Facebook name: Vanessa Vallejos
So happy that you are now officially a Scheepjes blogger!
I am also following via the blog! Congratulations!
Congratulations! I’ve subscribed via email!
I’ve followed you on Instagram now too!
Email and Instagram done. Looking forward to your creations
What god News. I am following you by e-mail and Instagram (@mettelillelund2)
I just began to learn to crochet a few months ago with my grandmother. I can’t wait to be 8 years in like you!
I follow you on Instagram.
Name: @kellybeanrn
I follow you on instagram @jellikitty
Followed you on Facebook
Name: Kelly Moore (Smith)
Subscribed to your blog via email
Thank you for this opportunity! Looove Scheepjes yarn!
I followed you on Instagram(Howlgirl) and Facebook as well as your blog!!
Geweldig, proficiat! Ik volg je nu via email.
Subscribed to blog
Gefeliciteerd! Het lijkt me echt iets voor jou! Ik volg je op instagram;
Maar op Facebook like ik al een poosje jouw pagina…….
Ik volg je al een poosje via Facebook. Leuke dingen! En wat een leuke weggeefactie!?
Gefeliciteerd! Ik volg je via e-mail.
Gefeliciteerd! Ik volg je ook via Facebook. Fb naam is Ellen Zwagerman
I follow you on Instagram. Lathril1
Ik volg je via Facebook!!
I follow you on Instagram. My username is gemvos
I follow you on facebook. My username is Gemmy van Os
I follow through email
I also follow your creative journey through IG. @ninnytofive
Followed by e-mail, Facebook (gayle LaRocque gillispie) and Instagram (gayle161)
Van harte gefeliciteerd! Je verdient dit plekje.
En ik doe graag mee met de give-away. Wat een mooie kleuren! ♡♡♡
Congratulations!!! Best wishes for the future!! I’m @boudiccarulesthewaves on IG, following xxxx
I was already following you on Facebook! ?
I just followed you on Instagram!
I just signed up to get your e-mails!
Gefeliciteerd, ik volg je via e-mail en Facebook. Leuke give-away❤️
Dat is leuk. Ik volg je blog via email.
Succes nog.
Ik volg je via facebook.
Ik volg je ook via instagram.
I follow on Instagram as super_k_ro and…
… I also add a following by email 🙂 I will never miss a news now ^^
Following on Instagram! I’m sarawackadoo ?
Congratulations! Over Scheepjes i had discovered your Blog today and i like it very much. You’ve made so much wonderful things. I just subscribed via email. Thank you for this amazing give-away!
I also follow you on Facebook with the name Strick Maus.
Na het aanschaffen van het patroon van de Hotel of bees shawl ben ik je gaan volgen op Instagram. Mijn accountnaam: birrie85
Ik ben je site ook meteen gaan volgen via email, wist niet eens dat dat kon 🙂
En ook op Facebook volg ik je nu! Mijn account: Birrie85
1 bol scheepjes is geen bol
Ik volgde je al via Instagram, @troostdoekje
2 bol scheepjes is een halve bol
Ik volg je nu via Facebook, Marieke van Bommel-Simons
3 bol scheepjes is een bo(e)l wol! ?
En natuurlijk ben ik nu ook lid van je blog met email vanbommelmarieke@gmail.com
Congratulations! Following blog via email!
I am following via Instagram. Congrats! @pansypirate
I follow your blog. Congratulations on your exciting news!
I have followed on IG since you released the Hotel of Bees shawl pattern. I’m @lavenderlizard
I have liked your Facebook page. My FB name is Elizabeth Garcia Kalka.
I subscribed via email! Looking forward to finding some time to make a few of your patterns!
Ik volg via facebook, heerlijk haken met Scheepjes katoen 🙂
I have liked Facebook – Tessa Kahn
Instagram – tessakahn
Email – Tessa.kahn@telkomsa.net
Just love your work
Gefeliciteerd!! Ik volg je op FB! Mijn naam: Jacqueline de Kruijf
Following via email 🙂 WELCOME!
Congratulations! Following on Facebook 🙂
I follow you on Instagram. Love your designs. I really enjoyed making the Hotel of Bees Shawl. Your instructions were so clear. I am @michanke on Instagram.
I’m following via instagram @nati.devia
I’m following by e-mail
I’m following on facebook @natalia.devia.31
En ik volg je ook via Instagram (kaatjevanzet)
Wat leuk voor je, gefeliciteerd! Ik volg je met E-mail 🙂
I am following via email. Love the colors!
I follow you on instagram and I am charu_kay on Insta
I have subscribed to your blog as well
Crochet has a way of drawing us in ?I’m following on Instagram
Congratulations. Will be following via email.
Congratulations! I followed on Instagram, I’m @alexa20th
Congratulations! I was already following your blog ? Your hotel of Bees shawl is on my to do list hopefully for this year!
I follow you on Facebook
I subscribe to your blog, have done the ‘bees’ shawl – just ends to sew in! And have the Shell Collector in my ‘to do’ pile!!!
How exciting! I’m following you on Instagram as @gwenstellamade.
These stonewashed colours are so gorgeous! Thank you for organising the giveaway.
Following blog, FB and Instagram (@catrionamaca )
I’m following you here on your blog, of course. Congratulations and good luck.
I follow on FB as Carol Wright
And Instagram as cw (cb2ck)
Hello! Great news!! Have made your HOB shawl, co-hosted a Cal for your Spotting Clouds and have your Picking Flowers top in my todo list! Now I also follow this blog! Best wishes.
I am following you on Instagram as Tadpoletroll. How is school? Congrats on your crochet success. Wouldn’t it be something if I beat the probability of losing and actually won some gorgeous Scheepjes yarn? Sigh. Cross your fingers and click your heels together three times for me. ♡♡♡
Hello again! Just adding here that I am also an IG follower: inspired_professor
Your patterns are so lovely! I will make your new shawl pattern soon!
I subscribe to your email/blog/newsletter.
Congratulations! Well deserved… follow on your blog via e-mail and Facebook!
I am following on instagram
I follow on Instagram as lnewnam56
I follow on facebook as Loretta Newnam
I subscribe to your blog.
What a lovely giveaway. Liked on Facebook, /penny.taylor.313
Hi! I started following your blog
I’m following you via IG. My name there is @ganchilleva
Following you on Facebook (Andrea Deo)
Van harte gefeliciteerd en super tof dat je nu bij de inspirerende Scheepjes tribe mag horen. Ik hoop nog veel van je mooie ontwerpen te zien, succes!!
Super leuke actie!! Ik doe mee, via je blog, facebook én instagram!! ? Louisa Douw
I have followed you on Instagram – my Instagram name is joan580
Wauw, zo mooi! Ik hou zowel van jouw ontwerp als van de Scheepjes stonewashed!
Ik volg je op Facebook.
I follow you on Instagram!
I follow you on Facebook!
I follow your blog by email!
Ik volg je via fb en heb me aangemeld via de mail/ blog ?
congratulations – well deserved – I love your work
Follow your blog by email
Also following on Facebook 🙂 as Jane Lethbridge.
Looking forward to seeing your next project xx
Ok lack of sleep meant I didn’t comment here doh!!!! Well.done hon on becoming a scheepjes blogger enjoy the yarn..
Ok if be doing yarn angels in all that yarn right about now ??? congrats again
Wow! Gefeliciteerd! Lijkt me erg leuk om te doen. Ik doe graag mee met de give-away! Succes en ik hoop dat je de scheepjes cal van 2018 mee ontwerpt. ??
Gefeliciteerd dat je nu ook bij die super leuke club bent waar ze zulke mooie dingen maken, je nieuwe sjaal vind ik prachtig ook die kleuren zijn heel mooie afgestemd ik ben zelf ook helemaal weg van het stonewashed garen en doe graag mee aan deze actie. Groetjes Anneke
Already happily subscribed! Congratulations on becoming a Scheepjes blogger!
I have followed your blog for a while now. I created a beautiful shawl from your Hotel of Bees pattern and it is my favourite shawl to date. The next one I would like to make is the Shell Collector Wrap. I love Scheepjes Stonewashed yarn and I love your designs. I pray that I win your giveaway. Thank you for sharing your designs with us!?
Congratulations! I’ve been following you on Instagram: haidums
Gaaf zeg!!! Gefeliciteerd!!!!! Ik volg je via Instagram @Shellyaussie en ga zeker je blog in de gaten houden! En nu maar duimen! ??
Well done! You’ve the best job in the world! Love your patterns!
Follow you via email.
I follow by email.
Signed up for your blog newsletter.
Follow on Instagram as lonestarknitter.
Follow on Facebook, Carolyn Zewe.
Followed by email
I follow you on Instagram!
Followed on instagram with @debyarncraze
I am subscribed to the email newsletter!
I follow you on Facebook!
Melody Francis
Hi there,
I hope I’m doing this rijgt for the give away! Always feel stupid when trying this and find out I’ve been doing it wrong!
Love your work!
Congratulations!! This would be wonderful to win! Love your blog!
Following you on Instagram @lapamald and e-mail
Mooi! En schelpen…daar hou ik ook van, breng er steeds mee naar huis 🙂 ik volg op fb als Gerlinde Geukens
Following the blog via mail
Also following you on instagram @mogdien
And lastly also on Facebook : Leen Vermeulen
I follow your Instagram – I’m glehsloan
Facebook – Lynne Sloan
& love your blog
Congratulations you deserve it. Love your patterns. I follow your blog via e-mail and instagram as eco angel.
I have followed you on your blog by email
I follow you by email.
I follow you on facebook!
I also follow you on Instagram.
Marion Fetters
I am now following you by email. 🙂
I am following you on Instagram as wulfmichelle. 🙂
I subscribed to your blog via email 🙂
I also follow you on Instagram @angelicembers
I follow you via Facebook Nicole Acuña
So happy for you! I am a subscriber and receive your emails.
Subscribed (blog, Insta @LornaMapson and FB) – following all and fingers crossed!
I follow you ob Fb and Instagram
Anita Hilgert
Congratulations, have loved seeing all the Bloggers makes.
Followed your blog via email but now on the other ways too. Love these colours have the yarn for my Hotel of Bees just need more hours in the day
Subscribing to your blog right now! Suejewison@hotmail.com
Following on Facebook as sue Jewison
Following on Instagram as runnerbean66
Hello, I’m French, so sorry for my English!!
Congratulations for the news!!
I try to get the giveaway!
I follow you on Instagram also!
I follow you on Facebook too!!
Jaa dat lijkt me super tof! Ik heb mijn email adres ingevuld!
I follow you on facebook.
Subscribed the blog. 🙂
Followed you by email 🙂
I also follow you on Instagram. Kimrjc
I also follow you on Facebook. Kim Chen
Gefeliciteerd met je nieuwe mijlpaal hoop dat je nog een heleboel leuke dingen kan maken samen met de bloggers van scheepjes !
Ik volge je via e-mail
Facebook en Instagram ??
Hello ! Congrats ! Thanks for this giveaway ! I follow the blog via email ?
I also follow you on fb !
And I also follow you on IG (1fillequicrochete )?
Gevolgd via e-mail
Gevolgd via Facebook, mijn Facebook naam is Monique Paul
I follow you on Facebook (Mia Winterlind)and on Instagram (miaw66)!
So excited!
I have subscribed to your blog, am following you in Instagram (anazaychik) and on Fabcebook (Analucía PJ). Cheers!
This is wonderful. Following your Facebook page. Eve Marie Cocina
Following your blog via email eveoveden@msn.com
Following you on Instagram
Following your Facebook page. Thanks for a chance in giveaway. Scheepjes is my favourite go-to yarn ! – Michelle Ayriss
Congratulations! I follow you via email
I am also going to follow you on Instagram 🙂
I absolutely love The Shell Collector wrap! I am following you on Facebook, Instagram and on your Blog! Such talent.
Hoi Christina,
Sinds gisteren volg ik je op Instagram met studiosanne.
Gisteravond en vandaag heb ik geprobeerd om mezelf te abonneren op je blog via e-mail, maar ik krijg steeds een foutmelding als ik mijn e-mailadres invoer. Zou je mijn e-mailadres misschien handmatig toe kunnen voegen? Alvast bedankt!
I am following you on Instagram @mommaboxoxo
I am following on email. Thanks
Wat een leuk nieuws. Ik ben je gaan volgen
Proficiat! Ik volg je al een tijdje via Instagram, en heb de meeste van je patronen in mijn favorieten staan bij Ravelry! Veel succes!
Nog nooit met dit garen gewerkt ben benieuwd of het een prettig garen is om mee te haken.
Following you on instagram! Love ur works… @lin.craftz
Super leuke actie! Ik volg je op Facebook. @ldsvanrijn
Following on Facebook
The shell collector wrap doet mij aan oma denken, mooie kleuren en heerlijk garen, zou super zijn om hem te mogen maken!
Volg op instagram onder TurtleLoveCrochet
Volgde blijkbaar nog niet op FB, maar nu wel 😉
Hoii, ik heb me aangemeld voor de mail. Je hebt zulke leuke patronen. Nu duimen dat ik win????
Groetjes, Judy
Stoned washed is erg mooi, een leuke uitvinding, zou ik graag willen winnen.
I follow you with email.
Followed by email
Congratulations Christina!! I´ve been following you I love your patterns and the stories about them. I follow you on IG ( Gabriela_entrelanas) and on FB (Gabriela Grassino). Thanks for the chance!
Congrats! So happy for you! I follow via email.
Following your blog by email. Suelady@comcast.net
Love your patterns, have made 3 of the Hotel of bees Shawls!!
Following you on Facebook I am Sophiechihuahua there!
Also following you on Instagram, I am buddywise2 there.
Would so love to make this shawl!!!
I remember when you helped me with the wings part of the Hotel of Bees Shawl.
Following on fb, via e-mail and via insta (@mei.emanuel).
I follow you on blog mail 🙂
I an following on Instagram
Na wat proberen heb ik me toch kunnen abonneren op je nieuwsbrief met mijn andere e-mailadres! Ik volg je nu dus op instagram met studiosanne en ben geabonneerd op je nieuwsbrief.
Congratulations! Following your blog by email.
Also following on Instagram (ID Trishrapleygiles).
And following on Facebook (ID Trish Rapley Giles).
Hi, I have subscribed and I also follow on Instagram @crochetteamumma
Thank you.
I follow you on Facebook- name is Melinda Estrada
I am now subscribed to your blog through email.
That’s great for you ! I mainly follow you and your so beautiful work on Instagram. Where I can be found as desfleurss. Have a nice day !
Oops, forgot to say I follow your blog! I do.
And I also follow your Facebook page. My Facebook name is Nora Helma.
I have followed on Instagram 😉
Facebook like checked 😉
I have subscribed to the blog also 😉
Hi there! I’m following via Instagram (@sunny_clare) congratulations on working with scheepjes! I have just started your spotting clouds pattern for spring ?
Follow on Instagram @staceyjlew – congratulations 🙂
Following Blog via email.
Proficiat !
Ik loot graag mee voor de give-away actie !
I follow your blog on Instagram. Congratulation for make part of the Tribe of Scheepjes Blogger’s!
I follow your blog on Facebook. Congratulation for make part of the Tribe of Scheepjes Blogger’s!
I follow your blog by e-mail. Congratulation for make part of the Tribe of Scheepjes Blogger’s!
Followed on instagram SueMel8
Following your blog
Following in facebook
Following your blog
Following in Instagram @heatherinspain
Following in Facebook
Hallo Christina, gefeliciteerd met je lidmaatschap van de bloggersgroup van Scheepjes! Ik volg je via Facebook (Carla van der Weide) en ik doe graag mee met deze give-away!
En om de kansen te verhogen nog een keertje! ik volg je ook via Instagram! (instagram@crochet_knit_nature)
So lovely! I follow you on Instagram @Tatorsmama33, Facebook Amanda Hutchens, subscribed under mimibabydoll2002@yahoo.com such great yarn and pattern. Congrats on becoming a brand ambassador.