Tag: pattern
New project: New design for the read-with-me-collection
Work In Progress: My new sashiko project bag
Pattern release: The Shell Collector Wrap
Before anything else: the responses I got on the reveal post were amazing. It was very humbling to read them all, so thank you very very much!
The reveal: The Shell Collector wrap
You can now find the pattern here Je kunt het patroon nu hier vinden Inspiration / Inspiratie Today is the day I can finally reveal what I have
A new pattern in the works: The Shell Collector
I know it has been quiet these past months, but that doesn’t mean I have been sitting still. Although school has started again, which takes
Free Crochet Pattern: Spotting Clouds Top
For the Dutch version, click here (Voor de Nederlandse versie klik hier) Get an ad free PDF For a small fee you can get a PDF version of this
Announcement: Spotting clouds crochet top
YOU CAN NOW FIND THE FREE PATTERN HERE JE KUNT HET GRATIS PATROON NU HIER VINDEN It’s full on summer here in the Netherlands and while I
Hotel of Bees 1 year anniversary
I cannot believe time went so quickly, but one year ago today I released the Hotel of Bees shawl! You can read all about the inspiration
Hotel of Bees CAL and a little update
Hi everyone! I meant to write this post much sooner, but as I’m sure you can relate to, life got in the way of my blogging plans.